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January 24, 2018 6:49 AM
Marissa Adou
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February 27, 2018 8:29 PM
| Anonymous
Check out this great article from the on-line publication Mining.com entitled "How Tesla and Google jets could enrich a money-losing gold miner", that mentions our friend and colleague, Kay Bennett, and the Silver Springs Airport!
May 29, 2018 1:23 PM
| Anonymous
This week, NASAO joined other key aviation industry associations for the second FAA briefing telecon on the $1 billion in supplemental discretionary funding provided in the FY18 Omnibus funding bill. As previously indicated, we’re appreciative of the fact that the FAA Airports Office is undertaking this participative approach as they fill in the gaps so-to-speak – fitting with the guiding language and Congressional intent -- to ultimately determine the allocation methodology, project selection criteria, and funding timeline. We will continue to update you as things progress, as I recognize this is of high-interest, and we, of course, will do everything we can to help you position your airports, and ready specific projects, to vie for a portion of this supplemental funding.
During this second conference call, the FAA provided additional information on the timing for solicitation and award of grants, and initial considerations for project selection for the first tranche of funding (approx. $100-$150 Million). Attached and below is a briefing outline that was provided by the FAA on this topic just prior to the call – along with some additional clarifying notes from our discussion. I’ve also attached the initial FAA document shared -- listing the airports that fit the criteria for primary consideration.
Given the language also refers to ASSET categories (essentially declaring that unclassified airports are much less likely to receive a grant, if at all), I want to remind everyone that the FAA will be updating the ASSET list in their next NPIAS report to Congress this fall. Although it’s not completely set, they did indicate an approximate reclassification of about 10 airports on the cusp so-to-speak with respect to the based aircraft count.
The FAA has also assured us that they will continue to update us as soon as more information is available as they continue to proceed with this process. We will, of course, continue to report on this information in a timely manner in the days ahead. In the meantime, we’ve agreed to coalesce your questions (for the folks at FAA
headquarters) in an organized manner to be answered on a forthcoming frequently asked question (FAQ) sheet. This does not preclude you from coordinating with your ADOs of course, as this is in fact encouraged (particularly for project selection and submissions). However, they are willing and able to answer your questions at headquarters via this channel given the unique circumstances of this funding.
So, please email me, and cc John Shea and Kim Stevens, if you have any questions on the following information or otherwise, understanding there will be more info forthcoming – including a shared document with FAQs from all of the participating aviation associations and their respective constituents.
I also get the sense that it will become clearer over time, which types of projects will rise to the top of the list to receive grants from this supplemental funding. Yet, this document and guiding information is intended to begin to shed light on just this, as this program takes shape.
While this is 100% funded (no match) supplemental discretionary funding with unique guidelines, the FAA insists that traditional AIP rules, criteria, project evaluation and so forth (eligible and
justified) will be considered in the project selection process. That being said, they are still considering whether, for example, they will utilize some funding to augment revenue-generating NPE projects, whereas traditional discretionary is not utilized for this purpose, as you know. While airside needs would still ostensibly need to be met prior to receiving any grants for these revenue-generating projects, it’s not seemingly set in stone that this will be a requirement for a grant under this program, particularly for projects at priority airports. Clarification on that to follow. They are specifically considering funding these types of projects fitting with the Congressional intent for this funding to be viewed as, and utilized for, economic development purposes -- with the goal of helping small, rural airports to become more financially self-sufficient.
Lastly, as per the document and discussion, you are encouraged to submit priority projects at priority consideration airports to your respective ADO’s for this first tranche of funding. And, it’s been made clear that this funding will be distributed in phases with the goal of having all of the funding “out the door” and obligated by September of 2020. Further, the FAA has also conveyed, in our conversations, that 'non-priority' airports will have to meet “very high-bar” criteria to be considered in subsequent funding tranches.
As per the language below and in the attached documents, they’ve requested that you submit very concise project notifications to your ADOs (25-word project summary and 50-word project justification) and they are not looking for expansive proposals at this time – as this will not boost the likelihood for project selection. The FAA has also indicated, for your own consideration as you work with the airports in your respective states, that this is an opportunity to put forward projects (particularly at priority airports) that may otherwise considered to be lower-priority projects for traditional discretionary funds, or projects that haven’t been submitted due to a lack of matching funds -- exemplifying how this supplemental discretionary differs from traditional AIP funding with respect to the scope, project criteria and/or project selection.
The FAA also suggested that you may consider pursuing traditional discretionary if you believe the project is already well-positioned competitively to receive traditional discretionary funds, particularly if you are looking to fund a project in the near-term, as much of this funding will not be allocated for some time, as they work though the phases and the proper procedures with the Federal Register notice and so forth. However, as I understand it, airports are not precluded from vying for both traditional funding and grants from this pot of supplemental omnibus funding concurrently.
So, please review the following language below and attached and – as mentioned -- do not hesitate to reach out to us on staff with questions (sooner than later if possible) you may have for the HQ Airports Office, as we – along with the other participating associations – have agreed to submit membership inquiries and questions in a coalesced and organized manner (without being duplicative), to allow the FAA to answer questions in a relatively timely manner. As also mentioned, the FAA will then share a complete set of responses to FAQs in a forthcoming document that we will share as soon as we receive it.
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